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Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park

Ruaha National Park, nestled in the heart of Tanzania, is a pristine wilderness haven renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and abundant wildlife. Covering an expansive area of over 20,000 square kilometers, it stands as one of East Africa’s largest national parks, encompassing a diverse array of ecosystems, from rolling savannahs to dense woodlands and meandering rivers. The Great Ruaha River, the lifeline of the park, meanders through its terrain, providing a vital water source for the myriad of species that call this place home. The park is celebrated for its impressive concentration of wildlife, including large populations of elephants, lions, leopards, and buffalo, along with a rich tapestry of birdlife, making it a paradise for both safari enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. Beyond its remarkable biodiversity, Ruaha offers visitors a sense of serenity and solitude, with vast expanses of untamed wilderness waiting to be explored. Whether embarking on a game drive across the rugged terrain, venturing on foot through the bush on a guided walking safari, or simply basking in the awe-inspiring beauty of the African landscape, Ruaha National Park promises an unforgettable adventure immersed in the raw, unspoiled beauty of nature.
Park Location:
Facts about Ruaha National Park

The park is so large that it could easily fit entire Montenegro or almost two countries the size of Qatar. Other numbers are also impressive: more than 10,000 elephants live here, approximately half of all bird species in Tanzania can be seen in Ruaha, and about 10% of the world’s lion population lives in this national park. Lion prides grow so large that not only zebras and antelopes but also larger animals such as buffalos and giraffes often become their prey. Black-backed jackals and African wild dogs prowl in the bush in search of smaller prey. From June to December, the drought drives animals to the only river that never dries up, the Great Ruaha, and this is the best time to watch the scenes of wildlife drama when animals fight for their survival. Ruaha is one of the driest national parks in the country – rains here are rare and short, and the roads tend to be washed out only from mid-March to late May.

Wildlife Encounters:

Game is prolific with ungulates including impala, waterbuck, bushbuck, giraffe, zebra and buffalo. Both greater and lesser kudu are present, as well as roan and sable antelope. There are large prides of lion, often 20 or more, spotted and striped hyena, several packs of wild dog and leopard. The birdlife is particularly colorful, and sitting in camp it’s not unusual to spot many species such as emerald spotted doves, brown parrots and crested barbets. Activities in Ruaha focus on game drives which are particularly rewarding in the dry season when the game congregates at the river. With only a few camps in the park, visitor numbers are few and it’s unspoilt and peaceful.


The best time to visit the best kept secret in Tanzania is during the dry season when animals are gathered within the water bodies quenching thirst this period is from June to October when the vegetation is not thick giving you excellent and clear views of the magnificent park. For those who love birding, the best time to visit the park is in November to April when migratory birds have arrived and the residential birds are breeding. However, the Ruaha national can be visited all year round thought roads maybe hard to cross during the heavy rains as it gets muddy. Ruaha national park can be accessed by road from Iringa which is about 130 kilometers squared; there are also chartered domestic flights that operate within the parks airstrips.

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